
Manish Sahani


Jul 02, 2023



Getting Started with GitHub: Basic Commands Demystified >>
Getting Started with GitHub: Basic Commands Demystified >>

If you're new to GitHub, you might be confused by its various commands and terminologies. No need to worry!

GitHub is a widely used platform for version control and collaboration in software development projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding GitHub's basic commands is essential for effectively managing your projects

1. Cloning a Repository:

Git lets you clone existing projects, making it easy to work on them. The command creates a local copy of the remote repository on your machine, making it possible for you to make changes and contribute to it.

Replace repository_url with the URL of the repository you wish to clone. The contents of the repository will be downloaded to your local machine, enabling you to work on them.

2. Initializing a New Repository:

The first step in using Git is to create a new repository. By running the "git init" command, a new empty repository will be created in the current directory. Setting up version control is the first step.

Using this command, a new Git repository is created in the current directory. It creates a hidden .git folder that stores all the necessary metadata and control files for version control that git needs

3. Adding and Committing Changes:

Once you have the repository cloned or initialized, you can make changes to the files. To add specific files or changes to the staging area in preparation for a commit, use the git add command:For example, "git add index.html" adds the file "index.html" to the staging area.

Replace file_name with the name of the file you want to add or use . to add all changes. This command stages the changes, making them ready for commit.

Once you have added the necessary files to the staging area, you can commit your changes using the "git commit" command.

This creates a new snapshot of the project with the changes you made. It's important to provide a meaningful commit message that describes the changes made

Replace "Commit message" with a concise and meaningful message that describes the changes you made. Commits help you keep track of the progress and provide context to your changes.

4. Pushing Changes to a Remote Repository:

To share your committed changes with others or store them on a remote repository (such as GitHub), you need to push the changes. Use the git push command:

This command sends your committed changes to the remote repository, making them accessible to collaborators or the public.

5. Pulling Changes from a Remote Repository:

To update your local repository with the latest changes from the remote repository, you can use the "git pull" command. This command fetches the latest commits from the remote repository and merges them with your local branch.

This command retrieves and merges the latest changes from the remote repository to your local repository, keeping your local copy up to date.

6. Git Branches:

Branching allows you to work on different features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase. The "git branch" command lists all the branches in your repository, and the "git branch branch_name" command creates a new branch with the specified name.

It's a powerful feature that helps you organize and manage your development workflow. To create a new branch, use the following command:

Replace branch_name with the desired name for your branch. This command creates a new branch based on your current working branch.

To switch to a different branch, use the git checkout command followed by the branch name:

This command allows you to navigate between different branches in your repository.

7. Merging Branches:

When you have completed a feature or bug fix on a separate branch, you can merge it back into the main branch using the git merge command. This integrates the changes made in the branch with the main codebase.

To merge a branch into your current branch, use the following command:

8. Viewing Commit History:

The git log command displays a history of commits in reverse chronological order. It provides information such as the commit hash, author, date, and commit message.

9. Checking Repository Status:

The git status command provides information about the current status of your repository. It shows which files are modified, added to the staging area, or ready to be committed.


By understanding these commands, you can confidently clone repositories, add and commit changes, push to remote repositories, pull changes from remotes, and check the status of your repository.

Remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Git and GitHub. There are many more commands and advanced features to explore. Stay curious, keep practicing, and continue your journey to become a proficient GitHub user.

— Checkout more commands on GitHub💡

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